Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Best meditation music

You can find the best meditation music for yoga, studying, or just plain meditation on https://samadhientrainment.bandcamp.com/  This music is a mix of the most calming and relaxing music and binaural beats.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What are the benefits of meditation?

 Meditation have many  physiologycal and psychological benefits, here are some:

1.- Reduces anxiety and stress: A study involving 3515 participants that suffered mental and physical health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, substance use, diabetes, hearth disease, cancer and chronic painThey found moderate evidence of improvement in symptoms of anxiety, depression and pain after participants underwent what was typically an eight-week training program in mindfulness meditation. They discovered low evidence of improvement in stress and quality of life. There was not enough information to determine whether other areas could be improved by meditation. In the studies that followed participants for six months, the improvements typically continued.

2. Improves concentration and intelligence: Recent studies suggest that months to years of intensive and systematic meditation training can improve attention. However, the lengthy training required has made it difficult to use random assignment of participants to conditions to confirm these findings. This article shows that a group randomly assigned to 5 days of meditation practice with the integrative body–mind training method shows significantly better attention and control of stress than a similarly chosen control group given relaxation training.

3.- Improves immune function: In a study of twenty five subjects under 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation, the subjects were vaccinated with influenza vaccine, the meditation group produced more antibody titers against the non meditator group.

4.- Better sleep: 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program on the sleep quality of a heterogeneous sample of 63 cancer patients. Overall sleep disturbance was significantly reduced and participants reported that their sleep quality had improved . There was also a significant reduction in stress , mood disturbance , and fatigue. The associations among these changes and implications for improving quality of life of cancer patients are discussed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to meditate?

You may have heard of meditation, and you may relate it to wanderers or bearded yogis but you dont know exactly what is meditation or how to do it, first we have to understand the etymology, the English meditation is derived from the Latin meditatio, from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder".
Meditation is basically a training of the mind in which the individual focus the mind on a single point and reaches different levels of consciousness, in meditation the mind purifies from unconscious mental processes by focusing all the libido or mental energy on one single point. Now lets answer the question, How to meditate? There are many forms of meditation:

1.- Mindfulness also called vipassana, it is said that buddha attained enlightenment using this form of meditation, it consist of letting the thoughts go and focusing the attention on the inhalation and exhalation of air through the nose.

2.- Kundalini meditation: This meditation consist of an observation and manipulation of the sleeping inner energy that according to the yogic philosophy it is located on the root chakra or muladhara coiled like a snake, it is said that those who awaken the kundalini obtain psychic abilities and reach higher levels of consciousness, many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of the kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.

3.- Mantra meditation: Is a form of meditation based on mantras, mantras are phonemes believed by some to have  psychological or spiritual power, this meditation consist on pronouncing certain mantras and focusing the mind on the mantras beign pronunced.

4.- Brainwave entrainment meditation: This meditation consist of focusing the mind on brainwave entrainment audios like binaural beats or isochronic tones.

Please visit: samadhientrainment.com

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Vipassana Meditation

What is vipassana meditation? Vipassana meditation is a state of focus where the mind and the object are one, there are no boundaries between the object and the subject, the perspective of the universe becomes unified and holistic, the mind becomes one with brahman. It is the most simple form of meditation, unlike yoga, yo don't have to do specific positions or stretchings, all you have to do is focus your mind on the inhalation and exhalation on air, this way you purify your your mind from unconscious thoughts and mental processes that you are unaware of, leaving the mind empty and capable of perceiving new thoughts.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Isochronic Tones

Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment. Similar to monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the beat is outside the brain so headphones are not required for entrainment to be effective. They differ from monaural beats, which are constant sine wave pulses rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone. As the contrast between noise and silence is more pronounced than the constant pulses of monaural beats, the stimulus is stronger and has a greater effect on brain entrainment.

Isochronic tones work by emitting sound at regular intervals.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is a name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.

A "Flower of Life" figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles, in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.

Figures as prominent as Leonardo da Vinci are said to have ascribed significance to the Flower of Life and three similar symbols, called the "Egg of Life," the "Fruit of Life," the "Seed of Life". Drunvalo Melchizedek, an author from the New Age movement, has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time. Melchizedek claims that Metatron's Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were "thought to act as a template from which all life springs."

It was originally thought that the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt contained the oldest known examples of the Flower of Life. It is now known that an earlier example of the pattern can be seen in the Assyrian rooms of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The design forms part of a gypsum or alabaster threshold step measuring 2.07 x 1.26 meters (6.8 x 4.1 feet) that originally existed in one of the palaces of KingAshurbanipal, and has been dated to c. 645 BC.

Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He drew the Flower of Life itself, as well as various components such as the Seed of Life. He drew geometric figures representing shapes such as theplatonic solids, a sphere, and a torus, and also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz

The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (less than or equal to 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately, and no beat will be perceived.